1,702,772 of 1 BILLION
The Knights of Safety™ (TKOS™) began with a dream to build a safer world. One where people are protected from the many dangers that lurk in the shadows, harming those who are unaware of the hazards and risks around them. As the marvel of the safety industry, TKOS™ was developed to rebrand safety to identify, appreciate and learn from real heroes to educate our next generation of heroes to Protect The One Billion People.
The One Billion People Protected Campaign™ seeks to bring out the hero in each and every one of us. To unlock our inner champions of safety through promoting a deeper understanding of the various dangers we need to fight against, develop tools to help us in our mission to save lives, and pave a safe and noble path to safety knighthood.
As The First Knight of Safety, I am on this lifelong mission to Protect One Billion People.

Inspired by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, The One Billion People Protected Campaign will promote good health and wellbeing, quality education, and help reduce inequalities.

As part of our campaign to save lives, we track the success of our efforts through the number of People Protected (PP).We value life, health, and wellbeing. We value life, health, and wellbeing. As we promote better safety in the use of chemicals and in many other industries, we aim to reduce work-related deaths, accidents, long-term illness due to exposure to hazardous substances, and more.

Through TKOS™ Academy, we have developed series of chemical safety training courses that have educated over 150,000 students across the world. These students have gone on to protect an estimated 2 million people in their environment through the application and use of the concepts taught in our free safety courses.

Anyone can be a hero with The Knights of Safety™. Through our training and certification, we hope to provide ample opportunity to those who seek to make a difference, no matter who or where they are. We know it is what they do that matters. Our aim is to bridge those gaps and set attainable and sustainable standards for everyone.

I do not stand alone in this mission.
With me are The Knights of Safety™, noble men and women who know, first hand, the risks present, the effects that these could bring, the things that need to be done, and the practices that need to be implemented to avoid such threats. These knights aren't just experts on a particular topic; they are worthy authorities, veteran soldiers with experience on the field.
TKOS™ develop free resources to remove the payrolls that currently limit safety education and application, with particular attention to underdeveloped countries. Our Knights share what they know through training courses, through webinars and podcasts, and, most of all, through a system that can instantly process your data and identify your risks, helping you create a strategy to effectively safeguard whatever it is you need to protect – in most cases, your life.
Today, we aim to Protect One Billion People.
Tomorrow, we will Protect the World.

Dale Allen
The First Knight of Safety

In pursuit of this mission, we have developed free online training courses built to be accessible to students, professionals, and those who seek access to better safety protocols for their workplace, their homes, or even for themselves.
TKOS™ Academy is how our Knights impart their knowledge, share their wisdom, and help protect people worldwide. With even more courses on the horizon, the Academy now has more than a hundred thousand students. Each person able to learn at their own pace, in their own time, and with no barrier to gaining the education and training they need to help keep themselves and others safe.

Safety regulations are set in place to ensure the implementation of necessary controls built to keep people safe and secure. The Compliance Journey guides people to achieve compliance – and, in turn, safety. The Journey is your own mission to help the One Billion People Protected Campaign, by putting you, your business, and your team at the forefront of safety and compliance. Be one of the One Billion People Protected and implement a wave of compliance within your own company.
Guided by 5 simple steps, each part of the journey is loaded with free assessments, tools, and training. Through each step, we hope to inundate a culture of safety with accessible tools and resources. Our goal is to help you reach penultimate standards of compliance and ensure utmost safety and security for your business, your people, and you – in the easiest and most efficient way possible.
By removing unnecessary obstacles, we make it easier for people to focus on their journey to safety and compliance. The Compliance Journey seeks to help you unlock the hero within.

We all hold the responsibility of risk. The journey begins with acknowledging your responsibility to uphold safety in your industry. For those ready to take on this mission, we are here to support you with the tools you need to become a responsible Apprentice of Compliance.
Gain Certification in a Safety Course for your industry with our various TKOS Academy training courses. All our courses are free and developed by a Champion of Safety in each industry. We have gathered the knowledge and experience from our fellow knights to pass on to the future generations.
Applying the lessons you will have learned from your Certification course, the Competency Test is an interactive program to guide you with the practical application of your learning. This test lets you proactively review your skills while ensuring adherence to the latest compliance regulations in your industry.
Securing certification and experience are essential to achieving compliance. Having the right system in place will allow you to monitor your workplace even further. The Ultimate Compliance Webinar will guide you through a system built to streamline your internal processes and implement efficient, easy, and sustainable methods of maintaining compliance.
Each step of this journey Is developed to help you gain the tools, knowledge, experience, and resources you need to establish and maintain safety and compliance, whether at work or in your own home. All of these lessons are supported by free resources developed to help you become a Chartered Knight of Compliance.

Taking the collective prowess of the Marvel of the Safety Industry, this ground-breaking innovation is set to revolutionize health, safety, and compliance management.
Our Single Point Of Truth Artificial Intelligence™ (SPOT AI™) will harness the knowledge and experience of our band of Knights to analyse a multitude of data points - identifying dangers and risks to provide solutions that ensure compliance and establish a safe, secure, and efficient work environment.
People know how to be safe. Through the Compliance Journey, we provide a series of free tools and resources that anyone in any industry will be able to benefit from. These tools, however, are made even more efficient when backed by an AI supported system that reviews, analyses, and collates information. SPOT AI™ is the key to saving more than One Billion People.
Engineered to aid our life-saving mission, SPOT AI™ is ready to be the Sentinel of Safety for your company. Ready to SPOT danger, before its even there.

Compliance Scoring™ is an AI driven application built with the oversight of our TKOS™ real heroes, monitoring single points of failure in real-time, always. Powered by SPOT AI™, the system is set to revolutionize the way you manage compliance and safety. Your Compliance Score will tell you all you need to know about your compliance status.
User-focused development in Compliance Scoring™ is leading the assembly of our various management modules. Connecting all your information into a single multi-management portal, the app aims to build a streamlined process and communications network, all easily accessible through your desktop, mobile, and other handheld device.
Your way to interact with SPOT AI™, the Compliance Scoring™ app relies on SPOT’s powers of data-driven analyses, and simplifies the information, creating actionable steps to guide users on the fastest route to safety and compliance.

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Leyland, Lancashire, UK